Frequently asked questions

What if the allocated developer(s) become stuck anywhere in the coding process? Do you have supervisors who can aid them without our assistance?
Yes, we have a structure in place so that every developer, young or senior, has a senior mentor or peers who are always willing to help. You should not be concerned about the obstacles unless there is a dependence on your end, such as existing code access or third-party signups. We will take responsibility for giving the finest performance result if you have engaged a specialised developer from us.
What are the modes of payment?
You can pay us with the followings mode:- Online, Bank Transfer and Wire Transfer.
During COVID, can you ensure business continuity?
During COVID period, our staff was working from home and using technologies such as Google Meet, Skype and others for good communication. As a result, we were able to keep our obligations and pledges which we committed to our clients, while providing the high-quality services for which we are recognized.
Will the allocated developer be able to collaborate with my other current development team?
Yes, the assigned developer will be at your disposal; hence, if you already have a team or intend to hire more developers from another source, our developer will be part of that team. He will also be accountable for duties delegated to him/her.
How long will it take you to locate a suitable candidate for me?
We may provide you resumes for selection within 48 hours and assign them within one week of signing the contract since we exclusively allocate our in-house personnel to work with your remote workforce.